"How to cure prostatitis quickly? " - one of the most difficult questions of men. Every year more and more people come to the clinic with complaints of urination and pain. This disease can be cured both with drugs and folk remedies. The development of the disease is influenced by many factors, external and internal. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms.
The percentage of prostate patients is constantly increasing. If earlier it was diagnosed in men over 30 years old, now a similar diagnosis is often made in 20. According to statistics, 35% of the population suffers from this disease.
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. It is a glandular-muscular organ located near the bladder. It is the one that controls the process of urination in a man. The gland also plays a major role in sperm formation.
This disease often appears together with pathologies such as urethritis or vesiculitis. But as a rule, such a combination is observed in elderly men.
What is the best treatment for prostatitis?

Men do not like to visit medical institutions. And the complaint to the doctor is postponed for "later". But timely treatment will avoid such complex consequences as erectile dysfunction or infertility.
There are several treatments for this disease:
- medication;
- massage;
- ethnoscience.
Each of these treatment options has its own characteristics.
For the fastest result, it is better to use complex treatment.

Prostate massage will help to quickly heal the onset of prostatitis. This method can treat any type of disease, including the chronic form. It should only be done with a full bladder. Only in this state of the body, it is possible to reach the desired area.
This procedure can be performed at home. First you need to lie on your right side and press your legs firmly on your stomach. The massage is done only with the right hand. Be sure to use a medical rubber glove.
The procedure is performed with the index finger at a depth of four to five centimeters. You should start the massage from the right side, and then go to the left lobe of the gland.
The main thing is to complete this process correctly: with smooth movements, pressing a little on the central part of the organ. The massage should be done every day for two weeks.
The procedure is very effective, but it has its contraindications.
It cannot be used if there is:
- inflammatory processes of the anus;
- chronic prostatitis;
- developing malignant tumors;
- hemorrhoids of different stages.
Medical treatment involves the use of a variety of antibiotics. In each country, the approach to the treatment of prostatitis with drugs has its own characteristics. For example, American doctors prescribe antibiotics even in cases where the presence of bacteria in the gland is not determined.
If the drugs do not bring the desired result and urination does not improve, then doctors, as a rule, attribute anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain syndromes.
This method of treatment can be performed both in the hospital and at home. The treatment of different types of diseases has its own approaches and features.

Chronic and acute prostatitis are treated with sedatives. In severe cases, as a rule, the patient is hospitalized.
The treatment of the infectious form of the disease is aimed, first of all, at destroying the focus of inflammation. In this case, antibiotics are combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Urologists also prescribe drugs that can improve blood microcirculation.
Self-medication of congestive prostatitis is not recommended. This form of the disease can have quite serious consequences. Therefore, medical intervention is simply necessary. Treatment is carried out with the help of folk remedies, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
The bacterial form of the disease also requires constant medical supervision, as standard medications do not always give the desired results.
How to treat prostatitis with onion peel?
Prostatitis is a punishment for every man. The sooner it is determined, the easier it is to cure this disease. Drug treatment is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. A good and inexpensive substitute for pills and injections is onion peel. But this method of treatment is not effective to cure chronic prostatitis, it can only alleviate the condition.

Treatment in this way can be carried out only in the early stages of the disease. If the disease has already worsened, then it is better to consult a doctor. Severe cases of prostatitis are treated only with medication or surgical intervention.
Onion peel tinctures can be used not only in the treatment process, but also as a prophylactic against prostatitis.
Frequent use of such a drug will make it possible to forget what prostate disease is, but on the condition that the patient fully respects a healthy lifestyle. Then chronic prostatitis will bypass.
To prepare a medicinal decoction of the bark yourself, you do not need special skills.
This requires:
- Take the peel and rinse well in cold running water.
- Pour 750 ml of water into a pot and wait for it to boil.
- Place the onion skin in hot water and boil for 5 minutes.
- Remove from heat and let simmer for an hour.
- After the time has passed, the liquid must be filtered.
- Take a ready-made soup for a month, 1 tsp. three times a day.
There is also an active infusion of hazelnut leaves and onion peel.

To prepare it you will need:
- 1 cup of bark;
- 0. 5 cup of hazelnut leaves;
- pot and cold water.
Put all the ingredients in a deep pot and cover with water. Boil for 7 minutes. Once the liquid has cooled, it should be filtered through cheesecloth.
The decoction should be taken half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon from 1 to 4 times a day, but not more. Drinking a medicine is strictly 14 days. After six months, repeat the course, this is done exclusively for prevention.
The treatment of prostatitis itself can also be carried out with a decoction of onion peel and hazelnut peel. This method is no less popular than the previous ones. All ingredients for cooking are simple and affordable.
To cook you will need:

- 3 art. l. onion peel;
- 75 g of hazelnut shell;
- 2 liters of clean cold water.
The peels and husks should be thrown into a large pot with two liters of water and put on the fire. The mixture should boil for an hour. After that, remove the pan from the heat and leave it at room temperature for three hours.
This time will be enough for the decoction to cook well and acquire all its medicinal properties. Further, it should be filtered and drunk 1/3 cup 2 times a day. This course of treatment is slightly longer than the previous one and lasts 21 days.
These recipes will allow you to independently cope with prostatitis at home and without harm to health.
What herbs help with prostatitis?
Herbal treatment is very effective and inexpensive. Moreover, you can perform the procedures yourself and at home.
Chronic prostatitis, unfortunately, cannot be cured in this way, but it will help to make life easier.
If herbal treatment is carried out at an early stage of the disease, then you can get rid of this disease forever.

To prepare herbal tea you will need:
- crushed leaves of meadowsweet (two parts);
- firewood (three parts);
- mint (one piece);
- dandelion (one piece);
- clover (three parts).
All herbs should be chopped and mixed in a bowl or pan. Then pour boiling water and let them boil a little. After the liquid acquires a rich color, it is necessary to carefully strain it. You can also drink the resulting decoction for preventive purposes, but in any case, do it in courses with short breaks.
Treatment of prostatitis independently can also be carried out with the help of alcohol tinctures. It is effective - on aspen bark. To prepare it, you need to take from 4 to 6 tablespoons of chopped bark. Half a liter of alcohol should be diluted to 40 degrees and filled with raw materials. Insist in a dark place for three weeks. Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals for half an hour.
A decoction of eryngium is also known. But even chronic prostatitis will not be completely cured.
To prepare such a medicine you will need:
- 2 spoons of eryngium;
- half a liter of boiling water.

Pour the raw material with water and let it cook well. It is necessary to drink the resulting juice 10 minutes before meals, 100 grams each.
If there are no stems or leaves of this plant, then it can be replaced by the root of the eryngium. In this case, it is recommended that 1 tablespoon of crushed root be poured with cold water and boiled for 20 minutes. The main thing is that the fire should be very small. After the liquid has cooled, drink in the same doses as when using the leaves.
You can also treat prostatitis with celandine. Three pinches of grass insist on 100 grams of alcohol. The container should be made of dark glass. It costs two weeks to insist on the medicine. It is recommended that the medicine be taken only on an empty stomach, and it is necessary to eat only half an hour after taking it.
The scheme of using celandine tincture: pour milk or water into a small glass and pour a drop of infusion into it. Each day, increasing by one unit. Once the number reaches thirty, start reducing by one a day. The deadline for acceptance will be when the number of points returns to one.
Proper and timely treatment of prostatitis will allow you to get rid of this disease very quickly and without consequences, without bringing it to a chronic form. Herbal treatment will not only help to forget the disease, but also to strengthen the general condition of the body.
Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in men. If you go to the hospital in time, you can get rid of it as soon as possible. The chronic type of pathology will help alleviate folk remedies. Other types of diseases can be cured with both medicine and massage. In both cases, therapy can be done at home.